God Bringing Steady Improvement for Local Man Severely Injured in Wreck

In the Herald’s first ever new-event post on this site, we told you of prayer sessions, fasts, and fundraisers being held across the West Brazos region on behalf of Jon Baldrige who was critically injured during a motorcycle accident on — and then flown to Houston as he clung to life on Sept. 19. We return now to report that Baldridge continues his steady path to full recovery, and his friends and family are now very quick to call his story a miracle (not, just a miracle-in-the-making, as everyone was calling it back in September).

To be clear, Baldridge remains mostly immobile and unconscious in his Houston hospital bed, but God is visibly moving him, steadily, toward full recovery! The Herald is planning a full report on Baldridge’s progress in our e-Edition coming Dec. 6. And, in the meantime, we encourage readers to follow the story for themselves via the Jon’s Miracle Facebook page updated very frequently by Baldridge’s family members.

And, if you happen to be reading this on or before Monday, Nov. 25, we encourage you to check out the flyer we’ve posted below and consider ordering a Thanksgiving Pie in support of the family’s fundraising efforts.